Category Archives: January 2020

The Poetry of Thomas Locicero in The Skinny Poetry Anthology: Bold, Magnetic, Original

Thomas Locicero’s poetry sings. It has a voice as grand as the New York Island.  His poem, “The Skinny on Italian Lovers,” is a cultural ode both of splendid originality and bold ingenuity. Without question, his work shines in craft and endearing uniqueness–and for that, we should all be grateful. Order your copy of The Skinny Poetry Anthology today, TO BE buoyed by Locicero’s work @

Thomas Locicero’s poems have appeared in The Skinny Poetry Journal, Roanoke Review, Boston Literary Magazine, Long Island Quarterly, The Ghazal Page, Birmingham Arts Journal, Poetry Pacific, Antarctica Journal, and Bindweed Magazine, among other journals. Originally from East Islip, NY, he resides with his wife, Lil, and sons, Sam and Ben, in Broken Arrow, OK.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on “The Three Evils of Society”

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on “The Three Evils of Society”: War, Racism and Poverty.

The poetry of Tara Betts–a beautiful brilliance in The Skinny Poetry Journal

Tara Betts is a poet’s poet, to be sure. She is a deep dish of literary excellence–and perhaps, one of the reasons that the wind blows so hard in Chicago is because Betts is stirring good things up with her words.  TO BE inspired by her work in The Skinny Poetry Anthology, go to

Tara Betts is the author of Break the Habit and Arc & Hue. She’s a co-editor of The Beiging of America: Personal Narratives about Being Mixed Race in the 21st Century and editor of the critical edition of Philippa Duke Schuyler’s memoir Adventures in Black and White. Her work has appeared in numerous journals and anthologies.  Betts received her B.A. in Communication at Loyola University, received her M.F.A. in Creative Writing from New England College. She received her Ph.D. in English/Creative Writing from Binghamton University.

The Wisdom Rich Poetry of Changming Yuan in TSPA

Great depth and craft abide in the poetry of Changming Yuan. It is an honor to read his pieces, rich with layers of wisdom, capable of warming souls in winter frost.  TO BE stirred by his work in The Skinny Poetry Anthology, go to

Changming Yuan published monograph translations, before leaving China. Currently, Yuan lives in Vancouver, where he edits Poetry Pacific with Allen Qing Yuan. His credits include: ten Pushcart nominations, the 2018 Naji Naaman’s Literary Prize, Best of the Best Canadian Poetry and Best New Poems Online.

On the subject of Poetry of Kara Provost, Compassion, and The Skinny Poetry Anthology

There is a profound reverence for humanity in the poetry of Kara Provost. Now, more than ever, in the U.S. and in the world, such love is needed like air needs breathing. TO BE moved by her work in The Skinny Poetry Anthology, go to

Kara Provost has published two chapbooks, Topless (Main Street Rag) and Nests (Finishing Line), and six microchapbooks with the Origami Poems Project. Her poems appear in literary journals and a number of anthologies, including Credo: Manifestos and Sourcebook for Creative Writing; Nuclear Impact: Shattered Atoms in Our Hands; and Shifts: Women’s Growth through Change. Kara teaches writing at Curry College and lives in Rhode Island.

“Praise Song for Marlin” by Le Hinton

Praise Song for Marlin
(Sunday, October 6, 1968)

When Marlin Briscoe started for the Broncos, we cheered.
we cheered when Marlin Briscoe started for the Broncos.

Le Hinton

Le Hinton is the author of six poetry collections, including: Sing Silence (Iris G. Press, 2018). His work can be found in The Best American Poetry 2014, Summerset Review, Pittsburgh Poetry Review, and outside of Clipper Magazine Stadium, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, incorporated into Derek Parker’s sculpture, “Common Thread.”

To follow The Skinny Poetry Anthology on Twitter, go to: @TheSkinnyPJ


On the subject of Regina Guarino’s grand cinematic imagery in The Skinny Poetry Journal

What wonderful word pictures Regina Guarino paints in poetry. Her work literally Jumps off of the page of The Skinny Poetry Journal and that is a blessing for every reader who engages the pages of the book.

TO ORDER Your copy of TSPA, go to: Cherry Castle Publishing–the Soul press–all day long.

Regina Guarino is the author of Words Matter: Prayers to Heal a Feminist Soul (Blurb Books, 2018). Stockton University’s Shore Thing Writing Getaway, for which she was a scholarship recipient, inspired these poems. She has been teaching English as a second language for many years in Wilmington, Delaware.

The Skinny Poetry Journal on the enduring importance of a Kingly Stand

The Skinny Poetry Journal stands with all people who earnestly work to advance the interest of love and peace in the world. That means, we’re down with our Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Agnostic, Atheist family–whomever you be. We be against War, against racism, against any “ism” that acts as a social lighter fluid to inflame hatred and violence around the globe. So, if you didn’t know, now you know. – Truth Thomas

“…noncooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good.” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The higher ground of Debasis Mukhopadhyay’s poetry in The Skinny Poetry Anthology

Debasis Mukhopadhyay is, quite simply, a consistently brilliant poet with a singular voice. This happy fact abides in the Skinnys he has written that are gratefully a part of The Skinny Poetry Anthology.

TO ORDER Your copy of TSPA, go to: Cherry Castle Publishing–the Soul press–all day long.

Debasis Mukhopadhyay is the author of the chapbook kyrie eleison or all robins taken out of context (Finishing Line Press, 2017). His poems have appeared in Stride, The Honest Ulsterman, Posit, Words Dance, Erbacce, I am not a silent poet, and elsewhere. His work has been nominated for the Best of the Net. Debasis lives and writes in Montreal, Canada.

Elizabeth Jorgensen in “The Skinny Poetry Anthology” and it is good.

Elizabeth Jorgensen’s work in The Skinny Poetry Anthology holds the poetic grip strength that only gifted writers can wield.  What a wonderful world her poetry is–for those on both two and four legs to follow.

Elizabeth Jorgensen’s memoir, Go, Gwen, Go, co-written with Nancy Jorgensen, is available from Meyer & Meyer Sport. Shorter works appear in Wisconsin English Journal, Azalea and Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. She has presented at NCTE, WSRA and for NCTA. Learn more at