Poetic Prayers for India and More: Two Poems by Ruchi Chopra: “Lullabies” and “(peace) lilies”

Photo by Ruchi Chopra


from the Ganges River exhumed dumped corpses, foraging, pending lullabies.
exhumed, pending lullabies, foraging dumped corpses from the Ganges River.

Ruchi Chopra

Victims of coronavirus are cremated on the banks of the Ganges river in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh – Courtesy of REUTERS – 5/10/21

(peace) lilies

(peace) lilies unfurl from the chaos.
unfurl (peace) lilies from the chaos.

Ruchi Chopra


Ruchi Chopra is a poet, social media influencer, and former journalist. Born and raised in India, Ruchi now lives in Cleveland, Ohio, with her family. She is a bilingual writer and enjoys reading, writing experimental poetry, and non-fiction. Chopra explores different mediums of creative self-expression through photography, writing, recycled crafts, and collages.

About the candle photo above: Last year, Ruchi Chopra participated in a virtual “Peace Candle Prayers” event for people affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic. On the evening of Sunday, April 12th, 2020, Chopra and others prayed for peace, solidarity and harmony in the world. She continues to this humanity-edifying practice, along with her family and friends, to this day. 

Her poetry has appeared in several anthologies, journals, ezines, and magazines. You can find her on Instagram at @banjaran_life. Indeed, link to her Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/banjaran_life/

Posted on June 1, 2021, in June 2021, The Human Quilt. Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Kumar Vikrant

    Ruchi, your poem Lullabies shows the harsh reality of pandemic in northern India. People are dying like flies and we cannot do anything.
    Your second poem tells about the contemporary world’s semblance of normalcy.
    You mesmerized with your words as you always do. Well done Ruchi!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Kumar, The situation in India is distressing and heart-breaking on all fronts. The disturbing images floating on the net of the graveyards and Ganges River where unclaimed bodies were just left in shallow graves, thousands of news snippets, and major headlines were too heart-breaking to take it in. Lullabies is a response to such a conundrum we all find ourselves in these days. Let’s keep praying for peace, harmony, and solidarity.
      Thank you for your kind words of encouragement!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This is a very beautifully written poem(s). I love the word choice and complexity of the subject.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Reblogged this on Recycled Ink! and commented:
    Hello Peeps,

    It’s been a while (well, years) I have posted anything new and worth sharing on the blog. Well, Life happens! I got busier with personal commitments and lifestyle blogging via my Instagram over the years. I took a sabbatical from the writing. Most of my friends and followers know my love for short verses and experimental poetry. Many of you have told me insistently over the years that how much you miss “Walk with me Series” and poems. Two of my experimental style poems on the format of Skinny were published recently in the skinny poetry journal.

    These poems published recently on the TSPJ were evocative of the current situations- first, the Pandemic and second, the gun violence/hatred news overflow and images.

    The current situation in India is distressing and heartbreaking on all fronts. The disturbing images floating on the net of the graveyards and Ganges River where unclaimed bodies were just left in shallow graves, thousands of news snippets, and significant headlines were too heartbreaking to take it in. “Lullabies” is a response to such a problem we all find ourselves in these days. And, (peace) lilies is a response to gun violence/hatred.

    About TSPJ- It was a great experience connecting with Truth Thomas, the editor-in-chief and creator of the Skinny- poems over email. If you want to know more about Skinnys and Truth Thomas, visit this link-

    Origin & Rules of the “Skinny” Poetry Form

    I look forward to reading your comments, thoughts, and feedback with me for the poems, blog, and anything in general if you want to share with me. I promise to update the blog for news, happenings, and revisions/edits/rewind (Life) in general.
    Stay tuned! Thanks a bunch for supporting, liking, and following me along the journey (Life).

    Be well,
    Let’s keep praying for peace, harmony, and solidarity.

    Liked by 1 person

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